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Student Councils


The University Student Council (USC) Malolos is the highest governing body or official organization of all bonafide college students at CEU Malolos. It is committed to serving the students and providing them with quality activities and opportunities that will promote student development and welfare and ensure understanding and unity among students, as well as between students, faculty, and administrators.


The USC Malolos represents the students where their rights and interests are concerned. It trains students in leadership, fosters respect for self-government, encourages initiative and participation in activities of the University, and promotes wholesome companionship.


All bonafide college students shall enjoy membership in the University Student Council upon payment of the membership fee. Aside from the USC, the Colleges and Departments have their own Student Councils whose officers and members are only those enrolled in their own colleges/departments. 



College/Department Student Councils

  • College of Accountancy, Management and Technology Student Council
  • College of Education, Liberal Arts and Science Student Council
  • College of Hospitality Management Student Council
  • Dentistry Department Student Council
  • Nursing Department Student Council
  • Pharmacy and Medical Technology Department Student Council

University Wide Organizations

Community Outreach Movement Pro-Active Students Service (COMPASS)

The Community Outreach Program Pro-Active Student Service (COMPASS) was established in 1998 to develop and fortify the students’ spirit of volunteerism in the University Community Outreach Program by inculcating social responsibility among the members and having a partnership with the University Social Responsibility Program to produce globally competitive, disciplined, and socially engaged students.


Honors Society

The Honors Society is an organization of all Academic, University Memorial, and USPEP scholars, President’s and Deans’ Listers, and Recipients of Grants of the University. Its philosophy is “Vixi et Mico in Decus” (to live and serve in honor). It aims to promote the welfare and best interest of the scholars of CEU and the utmost development of the students’ potential and worth, to underscore a broad understanding of the role of the students both as academicians and students, and to set good examples to the students toward virtuous ends.


Mathematics Club

The CEU Mathematics Club is an organization that brings together students from all educational disciplines that have an intrinsic interest in Mathematics. It aims to develop students’ analytical and critical thinking skills through participation in activities that will harness students’ growth.


Peer Facilitators Club

The Peer Facilitators Club is an organization for all interested students who have a passion for caring for others. It is organized to train these students on how to handle conflicts among them, to initiate means of expression for the betterment of the studentry, and to provide a network for interaction between and among students of CEU and the internal and external public of the University as it gears toward forming intercollegiate partnerships to create harmonious relationships and promote awareness of vital issues and valuable persuasive campaigns.


Science Club

The Science Club is an organization open to all bonafide CEU students that aim to promote an interest in understanding the biological and physical sciences. The Science Club is engaged in worthwhile activities that develop environmental awareness, inculcate scientific passion and proliferation, and embody the holistic characteristics of a future scientist.


Student Catholic Action

Otherwise known as the CEU-SCA, this religious organization seeks to help build a true Catholic community by promoting the Catholic Faith, setting good examples for the CEU students toward virtuous ends, rendering apostolic service to the school and community, and coordinating with the Campus Ministry, Chaplaincy, and the Archdiocese of Manila in pursuit of the goals of the Catholic Church.


Teatro Escolar Malolos

To emphasize its setting, CEU Malolos has adopted the name Teatro Escolar Malolos for its theatre-based organization. It serves as a training ground for students to actively participate in numerous worthwhile productions to hone their dramatic talents as well as their total personality development through a series of theatre experiences.

College/Department-Based Organizations


Junior Philippine Computer Society (JPCS)

The Junior Philippine Computer Society (JPCS) is a student organization involved in the fields of Computer Science and Information Technology. It aims to advance the interest and welfare of its members and encourage their cooperation and participation in school and university activities.


Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA)

Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA) is a unifying organization that seeks to create an academic atmosphere conducive to the educational advancement of students in the field of accountancy. It sponsors activities that provide exposure of students to the actual practice of accounting in business life, as well as develop civic consciousness and discipline among its members.

Management Students Association (MASA)

Management Students Association (MASA) is an organization of bonafide management students in CEU. It seeks to promote management as a major field of study and as an important area in business or profession. It initiates activities and programs that promote the practical application of management theories and practices and develop civic consciousness and social responsibility.



Communication Arts Society (CommASoc)

The Communication Arts Society (CommASoc) is an organization for all students taking up Communication and Media. It is organized to initiate freedom of expression and change for the betterment of the students taking the course and the internal and external public of the university as it gears towards forming inter-collegiate and multi-sectoral partnerships in creating communication messages and programs and promote media education, awareness of vital issues, valuable persuasive campaigns and public service announcements through multimedia.


CEU Educators Rising

The CEU Educators Rising is an organization for Education students whose name is patterned from its mother organization based in the United States of America. The organization specifically aims to cultivate the growth in knowledge, values and skills of future educators; encourage students to explore teaching as a profession; coordinate and disseminate through various means of information about teaching as a profession, employment opportunities, financial assistance options and education and licensure issues.


Psychology Society

The Psychology Society is an organization led by the BS Psychology students of the School of Science and Technology. It works closely with the Psychology Department in rendering psychology-related services, organizing seminars/workshops/training sessions, and linking with Psychology student societies of other universities and with professional organizations like the Psychological Association of the Philippines and the Philippine Mental Health Association. Affiliate membership is open to any CEU student interested in benefiting from the advances in the field of psychology.


Association of Hotel and Restaurant Management Students (AHRMS)

AHRMS is an organization of Hotel and Restaurant Management students. It aims to support the University in its efforts to upgrade and maintain a high standard of instruction in Hotel and Restaurant Administration and other related courses. 


Association of Tourism Students (ATS)

The Association of Tourism Students (ATS) is an organization for Bachelor of Science in International Tourism and Travel Management majors of CEU. It aims to maintain the high standards of instruction in International Tourism and Travel Management.



Dental Clinicians Club (DCC)

The Dental Clinicians Club is an organization of Junior and Senior Dentistry students. It represents the rights and interests of the clinicians and aims to develop each of their full potential as a person and future professional.


Philippine Dental Students Association (PDSA)

The PDSA aims to prepare dental students to meet the social, cultural, ethical, and scientific obligations of the dental profession in the local, national, and international setting. It works in cooperation with other dental schools and associations in the improvement of dental art and science. It also forms linkages with different dental agencies in elevating the standards of dental education in the Philippines.



Junior Philippine Pharmacists Association (JPPhA)- CEU Beta Chapter

The CEU JPPhA Beta Chapter is an organization of Pharmacy students in CEU. Gaining university recognition in 1996, its objectives include promoting educational advancement in the field of Pharmacy education and administration and providing students with gradual exposure to the actual practice of different specializations in Pharmacy. It is a member of the Federation of Junior Chapter, Philippine Pharmaceutical Association (FJCPPhA).

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